Almost Over!
So this picture above is from Midsommar, and holiday in Sweden when we celebrate the midnight sun, (which is really cool.. but makes you tired after a while, because then the sun rises also very EARLY in the morning!) But it makes up for the very DARK winter season!
So we all make crowns of flowers, and danced around a midsommar pole! It was really cool to experience such a celebration over the sun! We spent the week at my family's summer cottage, which is right on the beach! So that was nice!
This was someone's midsommar pole, it was actually the most traditional midsommar pole that we found!
Also, my friend Maud came down to visit me, she is from France! This is a picture outside out summer cottage, my host sister Mikaela found a jelly fish!
It seems so crazy for me, so just be living abroad... there is so many things that I will treasure from this year! Surprisingly, still after almost 1 year living in Sweden I find things that BLOW MY MIND! Like the fact that I can just go outside walk around the beach, and find a jelly fish from the Ocean!
Lately people have been asking me things like
1. Will I miss sweden? And if so what will I miss most?
2. Am I excited to go home?
3. What are my plans for the future?
So here are your answers..
1. DUH! I will miss Sweden... so so so much! I feel totally like this is my home now... Mostly I will miss my host family, who have been so great to me this year, I am so glad that my rotary club put me where I am... which brings me to my rotary club.. who have also been a family to me this year, they have been so welcoming even from the very beginning! And my sponsor person Peter, is probably the nicest man I have ever met! I will never forget him! With out him, I don't think this year would have been as fabulous as it really was! So Tack så mycket Peter!
Also I think I will miss the ocean, and the 15 minute ferry ride to Helsingør Denmark... with always and AMAZING VIEW!
2. I am not super excited to go home.. only because I love it so much here... but I do miss my family a lot, so I am excited to be able to see them again!
3. I am so glad I got to go on this exchange, one of the reasons I wanted to do it, was because I had no idea what my future plans where, but now I am absolutely sure, that I want to work with languages, and I want a job that will allow me to travel A LOT!
When I get home, I think I will start learning other languages, but also keep studying Swedish!
I think everyone should get the opportunity to live overseas, and if you ever decide yes, and exchange is for me, I HIGHLY recommend do go with Rotary, it is such a great program! It was honestly an experience I would never trade anything for!
Great post and pics glad to know that Snart Slut means running low. Love MOM